Wild Knockings

two cartoon guys scheme
& search for the undergrowth.
seduced into grandure, they twist
their way out---percussive
catharsis roaring through their cracking, malleable bodies.
a longing for integrity 
rooting them back down, 
they remember inter-
dependent luv
& symbiosis
as slow dances dance
them along.
grasps relieved,
tight conceptions loosey
goosey as they 
remember they 
are gay.

Concept Eddy Levin & Tone F Pony
Choreography Eddy Levin
Costume and Set Tone F Pony
Sound Design Eddy Levin
Soundtrack including Jean P´ark, Moldypark, 
Jim McGrath, Eddy Levin

Erde 2 Festival with Zeitraumexit


Mannheim, Germany
